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Showing posts from January, 2023


  The stock market is one place most people find it difficult navigating cause of bad experiences from their decision or some other persons. Getting the right stock to invest in requires due diligence in assessing the company profile; it ups and downs, the company's ability to withstand economical shock, its growth rate or dividend schedule, depending on what aspect of investment you seek to gain at the later end. There are stocks that grow over time for investors to resell their owned assets and cash out on a good profit, while we also have stocks that are pronounced dividend kings, you earn some certain percentage as long as you hold on to your share when the company makes profit. That being said, there are also stocks that strive on the two (2) points, which is why due diligence is essential. The Nigerian Stock Market is a slow but steady market, less volatile than the US market, not to mention known fraud cases of few companies down the US history lane, also the current Nigeria